Word of the Year: My Process Using Astrology & Numerology

For 2021, my words of the year were shift and devotion which makes sense astrologically for me. I’m currently in a 7th house profection year (determined by my age) and a personal 6 year in Numerology (using the numbers of my birth date + the current year). Don’t worry, I’m going to break it down for you 😉

What the f* is a Profection Year?!

A profection year in Astrology is based on your current age. When you are born, you start off in a 1st house profection year. From there, each year, you move into a new house year. You can find out what year you are in by going around the 12 houses. By the time you get to your first 12th house year, you’d be 11 years old. If you’re 30 years old, like me, you’re in a 7th house year, too. If you are 44, however, you are in your 9th house.

Here’s a link to a website you can use to plug in your birth info to see the sign of the house in your birth chart being activated. For this, you’ll need your birth time because your birth time determines what sign the houses in your birth chart are in.

However, even if you don’t have your birth time, you can just use your age and use the general themes of that house to see what your year, birthday to birthday, will be in focus. That’s what I start with.

To break it down, a 7th house year is all about relationships. Not just romantic and business related, but also my parents, my children, friendships, my relationship to the things in my life, physical and otherwise, and my relationship with myself. It’s also about harmonizing, fairness, legal contracts (even energetic contracts).

Now, I look at what sign rules the 7th house. As a Gemini rising, my 7th house is in the sign of Sagittarius. Then, I look at the planet that governs over that sign. In this case, that’s Jupiter, the planet of expansion, exploration, beliefs/religion, higher knowledge, and publishing.

So far, I’ve got the theme of relationships highlighted along with Sagittarius/Jupiter themes of exploration and beliefs.

Let’s add in Numerology.

As I stated earlier, I’m currently in a personal 6 year. A personal 6 year is also about relationships as it is Venus energy. Lots of focus on the home and hearth as well as relationships with people and reviewing personal values. This makes sense as I’ve had an addition to my family this year, my daughter♥️

Pictured above is a handy post I saw on Instagram shows the corresponding planets to numbers for further clarity and exploration.

So, I’ve got a double whammy of relationships highlighted. Luckily, I won’t be the only one reviewing relationships and values since Venus is currently retrograde, a period where a planet seemingly reverses its orbit and slows down its pace. This is happening from December 19 until January 29, 2022 and will be happening in the sign of Capricorn. I talk more about this in this blog post.

Also, just to throw this in real quick, I am in the middle of my Saturn return which is when Saturn comes back to the exact degree it was when a person was born. As of the beginning of this year, I’ve been dealing with Saturnian themes such as boundaries and experiencing, or maybe even experimenting with, my personal limits, maturity and responsibility. I’ve been able to see the extents of them so I can start to refine how I can show up more consistently with a solid foundation for myself and my energy.

Synthesize Me, Cap’n!

To recap, my words of the year were Shift & Devotion. While I didn’t use this process of incorporating Astrology and Numerology for my 2021 Word of the Year, it still sync’d up perfectly. I’ll explain.

The way I chose one of my words last year was via an Instagram post by Morgan Harper Nichols where she created multiple images with words and their definition and you’d close your eyes and then screenshot to see which word you get. That’s how I received Shift. Then, my lovely friend and sister who shared her newest candle lovingly named, Devotion, and I felt compelled to add that word, too.

They both show up in the energy of my year. Shift shows up in the current transit to my sun. Uranus has been dancing pretty close to my sun and sat right on top of it before going retrograde in August. Uranus is the planet of shake ups, sudden and shocking change, freedom/ rebellion and innovation. I knew I would be dealing with some kind of sudden changes that would cause me to shift in different ways and probably quite a few times in the year ahead.

With Devotion, that is something that Jupiter deals with. Jupiter is my “Ruler of the Year” as determined by my profection year chart. I took it a step further and looked at how Jupiter works in my birth chart. Jupiter opposes my Saturn which means they need to compromise, that’s how oppositions work. I knew that while devotion is lovely, it could easily be to my detriment if I wasn’t careful so, the pairing of Shift and Devotion worked well together.

While I going through this year, I will have to shift in my relationships to others, things and my Self. I’d have to investigate what I choose to devote myself to and how what I devote myself to is in alignment with my values. If I devote to partnerships that are not aligned with my values, I will receive outcomes that are undesirable. I need to get really clear about what my values are and to begin moving from that space as we continue to face uncertainty in the world at this time. What I invest in says a lot about me and what I value in life. It says a lot about what I choose to surround myself with, what I choose to consume and the kinds of environments I choose to occupy.

My Word of the Year for 2022

Now that we’ve covered 2021, I want to share with you what I see myself focusing on in 2022. Next year, I’ll be entering an 8th house profection year and a personal 7 year. The 8th house deals with topics such as transformation, rebirth, death (not usually literal), debts, inheritances, other people’s resources (time, energy, money, knowledge), letting go/surrender and the occult.

Keeping that in mind and adding the sign my 8th house is in, Capricorn, the sign of aspirations, structure/the bones, the boss, legacy, and longevity, I’d say it’s going to be a very constructive time. I’ll probably be tackling my finances and debts in a more structured way, getting proper systems in order. When we add the Numerology, my personal 7 year, Neptune is a very dreamy and spiritual planet. The 8th house and Neptune give me the feeling of a huge spiritual transformation. Transcending into a new form of myself. I think of growing pains since Capricorn rules the bones and as an Earth energy that initiates, there needs to be some water to lubricate forward movement.

This year, I brainstormed some words that relate to these themes and then I allowed them to sit in my Notes app for me to revisit. I allow myself to receive inspiration from the content I engage in and consume to see if anything sticks out to me. Like last year, I stumbled upon the word I chose for 2022. In the image below, you’ll see the list of words I had in mind and then, I began to narrow them down and finally, I chose the bottom one which is in bold and italic.

Nectar just made so much sense to me. It’s a word that I had engaged with via an archetype oracle deck I have called, “The Wild Unknown Archetype” deck by Kim Krans. Immediately, I was reminded of this card’s medicine.

Would you like my help picking your Word of the Year?


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