The Aligned Pursuit: Full Moon in Cancer
Happy Full Moon in Cancer!
Today at 6:07 PM ET we have the Full Moon in Cancer at 16°. This is the first Full Moon of the year which is a perfect way to take time to put things from last year to rest and open yourself up to the bounty of this new calendar year. If you’re like me, the new year doesn’t begin until March 20, Spring Equinox, the energetic new year. Winter is a time of rest, recovery, and reflection so how can we allow more of that natural energy to flow in our lives?
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.
full moon energy
Full Moon in Cancer chart in EDT generated on
This Full Moon is asking us to take time to reflect on the things we want to develop this year. It’s a great time to think about the structures (Capricorn) of our current foundation (Cancer) as well as the ways it supports us. Taking into account not just our physical structures, but our emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological foundations so we can adjust our focus accordingly.
The Moon in Cancer opposes the Sun conjunct Mercury in Capricorn. Mercury is the natural ruler of Gemini which makes communication more stoic and less chaotic. The somber nature of Capricorn helps to bring a level head to the planet of mischief and duality. With the Moon opposing Mercury, there’s a compromise that is needed when it comes to matters of the mind and heart. Are you able to consider the emotional needs of others when you speak? Are you able to articulate your needs clearly so there’s no room for assumptions?
Capricorn is focused on the long-term goals and effects of decisions and Cancer is focused on the comforts of what has already been achieved. What is needed to honor your wants and innermost needs while also respecting those around you, especially your family and loved ones’ wants and needs? What needs to be done or delegated? What needs to be placed down for another time?
The Sun in Capricorn forms a harmonious trine with Uranus in Taurus. I have Sun trine Uranus in my birth chart and I can say it has been incredibly helpful to have the electricity and eccentricity of Uranus touching my Sun, my vitality, and how I naturally shine. Sun trine Uranus asks us to align with our individuality and dare to stand out. It creates a dynamic personality that challenges the status quo and since this is Earth energy, it holds a grounded expression that is bold but practical.
Mars in Gemini and Venus in Aquarius meet in a harmonious trine after last engaging in opposition when Venus was in Sagittarius a month ago. Here, we can see how to move forward with a new perspective and respect between the cosmic feminine and masculine energies. This aspect goes exactly on January 9th while Mars is still in its retrograde cycle. Mars will be stationing direct on January 12th and still within a good distance of Venus which will allow us to put into place what we learned.
Venus is about our values, our relationships with people, places & things, and our senses. Aquarius is about separation, detachment, and forward-thinking.
Venus is Aquarius asks us to have a higher perspective on what we value and consider what it looks like to think about the good of humanity’s future. It requires that you express your individual needs and consider the good of the whole.
Gemini is about communicating, translating, and our curiosity. Mars is about our primal drives, our desires, and our stamina. Mars in Gemini asks that you communicate your desires in a way that is translated with a lighthearted effect. There’s no need to have fighting words or threats when you can use the gift of gab to relay any questions you have and to receive what you want with ease.
Of course, Mars is currently in its retrograde cycle, which makes it difficult to do this, but if you can apologize authentically, this is a great time to try to get your thoughts together so when Mars goes direct, your desires can be received.
In Human Design, the Sun has transitioned into Gate 54, the Gate of Ambition. This Gate is all about the ambitious pursuit of material success through the journey to enlightenment. Also, Earth is in its opposing Gate 53, the Gate of Beginnings, which is where the Moon will sit during this Full Moon. The Gate of Beginnings is all about the potential for getting things started and the energy for potential growth. Both of these Gates sit in the Root Center, the Center for adrenalized pressure (drive & ambition) melancholy, and stress. Working with the energy of this Center allows you to use that pressure to create meaningful change. However, if it doesn’t have an outlet or rather a proper outlet, it can lead to melancholy, stress, and anxiety. Patience and gratitude are huge keys to keep in mind as ways to handle the pulses of this Center.
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post by @yung_pueblo on the heroic work of healing one’s self
IG post by @amyruthhd about the power of words and assessing the energy of choosing a Word of the Year (my latest podcast touched on this, too).
IG post by @maya_elious on being clear so you can be consistent
IG post by @mrchazz on the term “emotional contagion”, where we “spread” our reactions to others unconsciously.
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Wild Unknown Archetype Deck.
The Offering:
When “light”: generosity, donation, volunteering
When “dark”: giving with expectations, keeping track
“… The Offering carries a clear-as-day message and a call to action. As you may have guessed, it is time for something to be given— and given up— for the sake of the bigger picture… You’ll make excuses. But recognize the link between the word ‘sacrifice’ and the word ‘sacred’. One leads to the other. When we offer up something to the greater good, we lighten our load and become more able to serve.”
The Hunter:
When “light”: focused, energized, respectful, seasoned
When “dark”: irresponsible, violates, violent, poaching
“The Hunter is skillful, quick, decisive, and results-oriented. When this card appears, it is critical that you ask three questions: What am I hunting? Why am I hunting it? Is the weapon I hold so tightly in my grip truly needed for the task at hand?”
It reminds me of the story of Artemis and the honorable hunt which is also mentioned in the accompanying guidebook for this card deck. In a book I have called, “The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz, who also wrote the infamous “The Four Agreements”, I read about the story more in depth. In the chapter entitled, “The Divine Huntress”, it talks about Artemis who was known widely by the forest animals to strike with effortlessness and truly honoring the animal and the process of taking their life for food and/or shelter. One day she betrayed her loyalty to the forest and to the animals she once respectfully killed. Until she apologized and did right by the animals, it was hard for her to receive the abundance that was once readily available to her.
This actually feels like the square happening between Chiron in Aries, the Moon in Cancer and Sun and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn.
This is the perfect analogy to how we move in our pursuit to obtaining resources we want and need. Resources are more than just money, but we do need money to fuel our lifestyles and to fuel our businesses from a space of honor and respect for ourselves, for others, and for the collective as a whole. By getting clear on our why and utilizing the proper tools in respectful ways— respecting and honoring our truths and our limits— allows us to create the life we desire that is fulfilling and abundant. It takes courage and patience to shift the dynamics of our society but it requires that we speak up and stay true to our values. The more we rise up and refuse to continue to accept the structures that have drained us and misused our resources (energy, time) , we’ll be able to receive what we need. We’ll receive what we need because we’ve finally deemed ourselves worthy of the “soft life” — a life that actually replenishes us and inspires us to give and receive from a space of fullness.
I actually have a similar setup on my birth chart. I have my natal Mercury in Aries square Mars and Chiron in Cancer. The elements are the same and include Chiron with personal planets. For me, it’s about asserting myself in a way that is honoring my truth and using my voice. For the current aspect, it’s a matter of vitality and connecting to your inner landscape.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.