Full Moon in Cancer: Less Force, More Softness
Happy Full Moon in Cancer!
Today at 7:32 PM EST we have the Full Moon in Cancer at 4°. This Full Moon is asking us to reel it in a bit as we bring this year to a close.
This is a pretty busy Moon cycle as we wrap up 2023 and move forward towards 2024. Some loose ends need tending to, especially with matters of communication, thought patterns, and our nervous system, since Mercury is retrograde until January 1st. It’s best to let any goal or resolution setting be open-ended until mid-January when Mercury will be out of its post-shadow phase.
It’s best to let any goal or resolution setting be open-ended until mid-January when Mercury will be out of its post-shadow phase. That way we are clear about our vision and intentions for the year ahead. I’ve found it helpful to be in the energy of the new year first to see how things feel and where I’m being led.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next 2 weeks.
full moon energy
Full Moon in Cancer chart generated on Astro-seek.com
At the time of the Full Moon, the Moon will make multiple aspects to planets:
Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer: During Full Moons, the Sun projects its light on the Moon and we can see things more clearly than we previously did. When the Sun is in Capricorn we may be dealing with topics such as our ambitions, our goals, and aspirations. With the Moon in Cancer, we can check in to see if our heart is still in it. Do these goals and ambitions nourish my spirit or drain it? Also, Capricorn and Cancer axis deals with the mother-father archetypes. The energy of giving and receiving, the material world and the emotional realm, our career life, and domestic life. How may we begin to bridge the gap between the two sides? They are two sides of the same coin— where are the similarities? Both Capricorn and Cancer energies focus on conserving and commitment.
Sun in Capricorn trine Jupiter Rx in Taurus: This is an overall positive energy of positivity and expansion. You can feel generous, vibrant, and focused on giving. This gives a nice buffer with the other more challenging aspects of this lunation.
Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces: With the Moon making a harmonious aspect to Saturn, we can be more emotionally aware. There’s an opportunity to practice emotional maturity or be confronted with our level of emotional maturity. While it is a time to rise above the frenzy, it doesn’t mean to be complacent. Say your peace, short and to the point. You are responsible for your words and actions, not how others take it. Speak with integrity.
Mercury Rx conjunct Mars in Sagittarius // square Neptune in Pisces: we’re revisiting a topic from last month when Mercury squared Neptune. When Mercury and Neptune get together, especially in a square aspect, there’s miscommunication, lies, deception, and false information. Discernment is key. However, Mars with Neptune can feel like punching the air since the energy of Neptune is elusive, like a fog. Observe and keep communication as basic as possible. Mercury will make this aspect to Neptune again next month when it is direct so what comes up probably won’t resolve or come to a decision until late January. Another thing that can come up with Mars square Neptune is illness and low energy. Be sure to take measures to boost your immune system.
Human Design Gate:
Excerpt from my PDF guide: “Human Design & Astrology: Around The Rave Mandala By Zodiac Sign & Degree”
With the Moon in Gate 52, the Gate of Stillness/Inaction we are dealing with the energy of deep focus. There’s no need to physically exert this energy. To be still means you are allowing yourself to observe and take in your surroundings. There’s plenty we miss from the constant movement from here to there. With this Gate, we can be deeply concentrated on the tasks at hand.
Stillness, by definition, is “The quality or state of being still”
Inaction can be defined as “Lack of action or activity; forbearance from labor; idleness; rest; inertness”
In “Understanding Human Design” by Karen Curry says,
“This is a highly creative energy, one that empowers you to concentrate on the goal, hold your gaze, wait in stillness until the right time, and then, and only then, take right actions”.
With that in mind, the energy of this Gate can help us with our discernment as long as we don’t get distracted from the goal we’re aiming for (think back to Sagittarius season when we created an aim).
Also, I received an email from Christine Inge, a Human Design Analyst, on the Sun being in Gate 58, (the Gate of Vitality) opposite the Moon in Gate 52 that struck a chord in me. As a quick aside, it is so important to look at both Gates for the Full Moon cycles because the Sun is reflecting something onto the Moon for us to witness. One thing she mentioned in her email was this:
Blame is about looking to the past to find fault; it comes from fighting with reality and the delusion that you can change the past. Blame gives your power away and leaves you powerless.
Responsibility is looking at what is true right now, eyes wide open, and deciding what you’ll do to move forward. Responsibility is where all of your power to live authentically comes from.
Gate 58 (where the Sun is) finds joy and contentment in improving things— it energizes this Gate. The thing is you need to take the time necessary to see what needs improvement (if it ain’t broke…) or if someone wants to improve themselves. Spending energy on improving things without taking the time to be present and observe leads to wasted energy and other resources. It can lead to blaming that person, place, or thing for the wasted time, money, or energy. What we want to shift to is taking responsibility for what’s happening now. When we can see the present moment for what it is and who or what is in it, we can find contentment or do what’s necessary for our contentment and vitality.
Here are a few posts I came across that embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post by @undercoverosh with the beautiful artwork of @boukedevries
IG post of a poem called “Tell Your Daughters” by @Nikita_gill
IG post on people pleasing by @jb_copeland
IG post by @lifebyalissa on feeling other’s discomfort
IG post by @jb_copeland on being patient with who you are becoming
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Raider Waite Tarot deck and Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck.
Rider Waite Tarot:
Three of Cups & Judgement reversed:
Look over your year and see all the things you have accomplished. If you didn’t get to do all you planned to, you can try again in the new year. Don’t allow the ending of the calendar year to stop you from celebrating what you have achieved and celebrating the opportunities you were connected with. These opportunities can be all the things you were able to learn which sharpen your tools or add to your toolkit or the connections with people or projects you got to experience, be apart of or just observe from a far. Your inner critic may be loud right now and you can take some notes from it and then tell it to be on its way. Use the notes to create the outline of the steps you can take this year. Take stock of the new resources you obtained, what resources you’ve had for some time and align them with where you’d like to go. There’s no need to take action right now. Be still, be here now, and rest so you can receive the messages or inspiration necessary to fill the gap.
Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck:
WHEN LIGHT: passion, playfulness, sexual health
WHEN DARK: madness, projection, obsession
“Eros reconnects us with the primal longing to merge with another human being, nature, music, art, plants, food, or anything that we perceive we are separate from.
Eros allows us to momentarily unite. Our heart embraces Otherness, and in doing so we further understand our own. Our life force awakens.”
The Riddle:
WHEN LIGHT: a great awakening or "aha" moment
WHEN DARK: manipulation, deceit, trickery
“The Riddle card appears when the energy is deep and mysterious, like the elusive wisdom in a Zen koan. Focusing harder won't do it.
Neither will increased effort. Time, surrender, and humor are your only allies. what feels like the most pressing dilemma won't reveal its deeper wisdom for a long time.”
Together, these cards reveal the beauty of the present moment— savoring the experience for what it is without any expectations. From this state of being, something may emerge or not. It can be as simple as the joy of connection with the people, places or things we encounter. This is a wonderful way to end the year. If you have had a hard year, end it with softness. Soften into your body, ease your mind, take a load off, let your soul rest even for moment. Savor that moment as deeply as you can. Return as often as you need. There’s no rush even though our society has created an atmosphere of constant doing that confuses our natural rhythm.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
The following Questions found in “Understanding Human Design” for Gate 52)
What do you need to do to create Stillness in your life”
In the Stillness, what questions do you have? How deeply do you feel the alignment of Divine Order? (Waiting for the right timing and not a second sooner).
Define your power. Where do you feel powerful? Do you feel good being powerful? If not, why and what stops you from your power? (Think about moments when you felt power-less. What were you trying to express but were cut off).
Take care and happy holidays!
See you in 2024!!