Realize Your Power: Super Full Moon in Capricorn

I want to start off by saying thank you for taking the time to read this article! I have been playing around to see the best way to go about sharing these tools and information with others and I think this is the format I’ll continue with. I’ve been focused on posting on my Instagram page for the past two years and have decided it’s time to pull my energy back into my own platform to nourish what I have created five years ago— my blog.

Maybe the influence to change things up is because of this super bright and super close [to Earth] Full Moon that is right on my North Node (Destiny point) in Capricorn. I’m not completely sure, but I’ve been wanting to revive my blog and I’ve wanted to share my thoughts and Moon Journal Prompts in a way that can bypass the webs of Social Media and get to those who it’s supposed to ♥️ — my community of support.

Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings and releasing so be open to what is ending in your life and do your best to release what needs to go.

full moon energy

This Full Moon is a “Super” Full Moon which means it’s really close to Earth so we can expect to feel the effects of the gravitational pull between the Moon and Earth, like the tides of the ocean. Much like the ocean, we’ll need to go with the flow allowing any emotions to come and go.

That’s why I always rely on journaling/free-writing to help me process my thoughts and emotions so they are out of my body and on paper for me to observe objectively.

Personally, I take a few days or even months before I re-read what I wrote because at the moment, it doesn’t always make sense, but after the fact, it starts to all come together and I can gain clarity and wisdom.

Understanding the transit and the energy that is available allows you to be more intentional about how you make decisions and allows you to have more compassion for yourself and others.

When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.

For this lunation, I received “Solitude” from two different decks! It’s safe to say that we really need to listen to the messages that are coming through in whatever way the Universe & Divine need to send them to you in order for you to take notice. You may receive messages in your dreams, through synchronicities, a sudden insight as you are talking to someone or listening to something. I really believe we all have a sixth sense and it’s important to take notice of how you usually receive the guidance you need.

Honestly, it makes sense that this is coming up because of the Moon in Capricorn sextile— a harmonious connection— with Neptune in Pisces, the planet of spirituality, transcendence, and the ancestral realm. Plus, following that aspect, the Moon conjuncts— sits on top of— Pluto in Capricorn, the planet of transformation and transmutation. With Pluto, it might not look like things are working out because it’s sometimes painful but are ultimately cathartic. It’s the wake-up call you need to make necessary changes as well as the confirmation you need to know you are on the right path.

Moon journal prompts

Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I liked my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).

Post-Full Moon Reflections:

That full moon energy was soooo replenishing!

I think it helped that I was in/near water for most of the day with a break just as the full moon was exact. I had a dream that was really a message:

"What cheat codes did you unlock?" in the astral/dream world last night?

I don't remember the full message but I assume it's meant to be meditated on. I remember how the feelings of shame and guilt are passed on to you through interactions with people who don't truly and fully "see" you.

Therefore, you are unable to see yourself because the people you surround yourself with, especially family, will project false images of you and by "false" I mean unrealistic or unauthentic.

People with Capricorn placements in their birth charts can have unrealistic and heavy expectations placed on them early on. That leads to them taking on more than they can handle and hardly asking for help in carrying the weight.

That's a thing with the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Cancer is nurturing and so is Capricorn but they do it differently. They both care so deeply for their family & family structures.

Sometimes blindly.

It makes sense that the theme for this lunation, to me, was "realize your power":

- Realize it through awareness

- Real-ize it as in making it a real part of your life more intentionally and to your benefit.

You are stronger than you think.

You are wiser than you think.

You might just need to change your perspective on the things that you may want to change about yourself.

It's giving "Hanged Man" in the Tarot.

You are here but you are meant to observe right now.

Here are a few posts I came across the day after the Full Moon that I felt really translated this energy:

Letting Go: Post from Xavier Dagba

Projections & Manipulation: Post from The Black Sheep Survives

Wasting your time/energy: Post from The Jasmin’s Garden

Take care,



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