Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Sacred Offering
Happy Lunar Eclipse in Taurus!
Today at 4:23 PM EST we have the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 5°. This Lunar Eclipse is asking us to not only review our values but to get real about our resources— our inner resources.
We are closing out the current Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse cycle as the Nodes have shifted into Aries/Libra. Think back to November 2021’s eclipse because that eclipse was the beginning of this Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse cycle.
Ask yourself:
What was happening during that time?
How have your values changed since then?
What have you learned about your personal resources and those of others?
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Lunar Eclipse as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Lunar Eclipses are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next six months.
lunar eclipse energy
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus chart in EDT generated on
During the day of the Eclipse, the Moon will make multiple aspects to planets:
Moon opposes Mercury: it’s easy to make assumptions and pass judgments based on prejudices and childhood patterns. Time to pull back and get clear on the emotions coming up and remember feelings aren’t facts, but they are showing us clues to what’s happening within.
Moon opposes Mars: if you are feeling irritable, agitated, or angry, that’s understandable— use the tools in your toolbox to release the energy such as screaming into a pillow or punching it, dancing, going for a walk or running, or some other exercise of practice that gets you into your body and out of your head. Emotions are energy-in-motion. Since Mars is in Scorpio and the Sun is in a Mars-ruled sign, I’d take heed of this energy. Scorpio is a deep sign so some of this energy may have been bubbling under the surface for some time. It’s best to wait until you are level-headed before trying to resolve any conflicts that come up.
Moon conjunct Jupiter/ Jupiter opposes Mars: Because of the above energy, this could lead this aspect to go either way— you could feel a huge burst of irritation and need to channel it right away or you can just be full of energy ready to take on the day. This energy can be useful for standing up for yourself but make sure it is necessary because your impulsiveness can do more harm than good. Assess the situation first and don’t be reckless or hasty.
Moon square Pluto: This aspect is a tough one and just like the above aspects, this one can really exaggerate it. The good thing is this energy is not exact at the time of the Eclipse, but it is present leading up to it. Acting upon sudden urges and impulses will backfire especially if you’ve been avoiding your feelings. You can expect emotional power struggles and manipulation with others— possibly a woman or maternal figure.
Mercury conjunct Mars: You can find yourself in healthy debate or useless fighting over wits. Pick and choose your battles. Think: is this really worth being defensive about? Is this my fight to be fighting and am I in the correct position to fight?
Mercury opposes Jupiter: Be diligent in reading carefully any contracts you come across and don’t skim over the fine print. Stay grounded in the current reality as grand thinking is an effect of this energy. If you find yourself in a debate be willing to hear what other people have to say and be flexible in your standpoint.
Human Design Gate:
Excerpt from my PDF guide: “Human Design & Astrology: Around The Rave Mandala By Zodiac Sign & Degree”
With the Moon in Gate 27, the Gate of Caring/Nourishment, we are dealing with energy around being of service but only after we have taken care of ourselves. This has probably been highlighted in your life at some point during the last 18 months as the North Node was transiting Taurus.
Nourishment, by definition, is “the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition”
Caring, by definition is “the work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and elderly people.”
In “Understanding Human Design” by Karen Curry, she says,
“If you are trying to be responsible for someone else’s happiness, you will just waste precious energy and give up your own happiness in exchange”.
With that said, this energy in its highest form returns power to others by holding them accountable for their own responsibilities. I read somewhere to think of responsibility in chunks of the word: response-ability. If you don’t hold others accountable, they won’t learn how to build that ability to respond to what is theirs to handle. And that means you will continue to hold the weight of others instead of assisting how and when you reasonably can.
In “Understanding the Centers in Human Design”, Robin Winn mentions that this Gate’s energy can easily lead to building an identity of martyrdom which then leads to not being able to be a support at the right time and right place. This Gate shows up in my family system multiple times on my maternal side but skipped over me. With this knowledge and seeing it play out in real time, I can assist in teaching my children to make sure they take responsibility for tending to their needs first before they offer their precious energy elsewhere. In order to break a cycle, you have to know that it even exists and then see how to begin weaning off of it. It’s so easy to just keep repeating it since it’s unconscious, it’s part of our programming.
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post by @swtrthan about being a generational cycle breaker
IG post by @melrobbins about being in survival mode
IG post by @mahdiwoodard explaining Jay Z’s response to the debate about what’s a better decision: dinner with Jay Z or $500,000.
IG post by @samkelly_world on teaching children the invisible load of managing a household
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and The Living Wheel Astrology Cards Deck
Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck:
The Offering:
“Unlike many of the other cards in the deck, The offering carries a clear-as-day message and a call to action. As you may have guessed, it is time for something to be given- and given up for the sake of the bigger picture. If nothing comes to mind immediately (though it's likely it will), take time in meditation to consider what must be offered and who is to receive it. It's likely you'll feel attachment and hesitancy.
You'll make excuses. But recognize the link between the word "sacrifice" and the word "sacred." One leads to the other. When we offer up something to the greater good, we lighten our load and become more able to serve. Imagine for a moment if you were to offer your whole self, unconditionally, to the world. For now, start small.”
WHEN Light: generosity, donation, volunteering
WHEN Dark: giving with expectations, keeping track
GO DEEPER: Odin's sacrifice of his eye in Norse mythology
The Living Wheel Astrology Cards Deck:
This is the first time using this deck to help break down the energy but it really helps us see the bigger picture at play.
From the top row, left to right: Jupiter, Second House, Waxing Gibbous Moon
From the bottom, left to right: Spring- Second Half (late April & May), Tenth House
Jupiter: The first card in the top row is the planet Jupiter which is labeled in this deck as representing “expansion”. While we tend to think of expansion as a positive thing, we want to watch what exactly is expanding in our lives. I love that this card comes up because the Lunar Eclipse places the moon close to Jupiter. While it doesn’t exactly conjoin with Jupiter at the time of the eclipse, they do meet up later in the day under the influence of the energy.
Second House: Traditionally, the sign of Taurus is associated with the Second House. This House in the birth chart is all about personal resources, finances, a sense of self-worth, personal values, and our natural talents. When we think of resources, we tend to only think of money, but we have to also include our energy reserves, our time, and our material possessions/assets. Together with Jupiter, which is in Taurus until next May, we may have the chance to expand our resources whether that be expanding how we allocate our resources or how we receive our resources.
Waxing Gibbous Moon: In this deck, they labeled this Moon phase as “persevere”. This moon phase is right before the Full Moon and is a time of reflection and refining what you’ve been working on. Right now, as I type this post, we are in the middle of our Waxing Gibbous Moon. It may help to think back to the days leading up to the Lunar Eclipse (a full moon) to see what you were feeling, experiencing, and working on.
Spring- Second Half: The second half of Spring is where Taurus season resides. Funny enough, Eclipse energy lingers for six (6) months bringing us to the freshness and warmth of a New Moon in Taurus on May 8, 2024. The keyword associated with the Second half of Spring is: Grow. This can also be associated with the abundant energy of Jupiter. What we work on now can enable something beautiful to grow come May.
Tenth House: Traditionally, the sign of Capricorn is associated with the Tenth House. This house in the birth chart is all about our aspirations, our public image, our achievements, and our reputation. I like to look at the Tenth House with the analogy of a tree. While the opposite House, the Fourth House, is the root of the tree system, the Tenth is the lush green tree with flowers, fruit, nuts, and/or leaves. How we nurture the Tenth House is through the Fourth House which is all about our home environment, our ancestry, our family of origin, and our final resting place.
With this in mind, we can reach our aspirations and achievements with more ease when we have a loving and nourishing root system— our home life and family (especially the family we choose). The Tenth and Second House make a favorable “trine” aspect so when you are working with the Second House, you can receive the gifts of the Tenth and vice versa.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Are you doing things for others that they could be doing for themselves? What actions do you need to take to empower them and you? (Question found in “Understanding Human Design” for Gate 27)
What tools do you have to help you process anger and irritability? Also, note where it is showing up for you in your body.
What are you giving up for the sake of the bigger picture aka your dreams and vision of a fulfilling and purposeful life?
By giving up this thing, habit, thought, or belief, how will this lighten up your load? What will you be free to do going forward?
Take care,