Creating Safe Space: New Moon in Virgo
Happy New Moon in Virgo!
Today at 4:16 AM ET we have the New Moon in Virgo at 4°. We’ve made it passed the tension from the squares from the Sun to Uranus and the opposition from the Sun to Saturn. Venus will still have to conquer those aspects in this lunation phase so, our values & relationships will be tested now that our vitality and sense of Self should be more clear. School is back in session for most of the country so this Virgo energy is helpful as we adjust to the in-between transition of Summer to Fall.
The end of August into September brings a change in pace, coming back inside and getting back into the groove of the mundane parts of life. Virgo is a mutable sign so there’s a need to be flexible, not rigid.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.
New Moon in Virgo chart in EDT generated on
new moon energy
This New Moon is asking us to slow down, give things a second look, and get grounded. Take a look at the details and stay in tune with the mundane aspects of life. Don’t get in over your head and try not to rush from one thing to another. It’s giving Mercury in retrograde vibes because Mercury in Libra is about to enter its retrograde cycle on the 9th so, some of what we’re dealing with now will come up again for review from September 9th til October 2nd. It’s Virgo season so it’s time to get organized, pay attention to our gut health, keep a level head and be of service. One thing to remember: release the ideal of “perfect” on the first try and be okay with needing to re-do things. Practice creates something sustainable, long-lasting, and creates new standards.
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Wild Unknown Archetype Deck and the Rebel Deck: The Oracle with Attitude.
Wild Unknown Archetype:
Thanatos: part of “The Initiations”. When ”light”, it bears witness to all that is. When “dark”, it is insensitive to old age, illness, and dying.
“We are forever changed by Thanatos (Death) as it sweeps us under its wings, making us relinquish control in every form. It leaves a mark of ash upon our heart, signifying we have touched the cusp of The Underworld and will return to the land of the living eventually, with more compassion and wisdom to share.”
When you look at this card, you see hands, a foot, and a mask all in the center of a spider’s web. It can be a bit grim and uncomfortable to look at, but there’s so much power here if used correctly. This imagery reminds me of the energy between Venus and Saturn which is in its retrograde cycle. Venus has pushed passed the North Node and Uranus in Taurus and is coming into opposition with Saturn. Venus and Saturn were together back in February in Aquarius where she was “besieged” by Saturn and Mars at the time. It’s a good idea to look back at what was occurring at the time when Venus in Aquarius made conjunction with Saturn (March 5th, Venus entered Aquarius with Mars and conjunct Saturn on March 28th) and then the square when Venus was in Taurus (Venus squared Saturn on June 18th).
The conjunction initiated a cycle, the square brought up a crisis point and now, things are being revealed. What’s being revealed may be grim and uncomfortable to look at, but there’s wisdom to be taken from the experience. You made it through some tough shit and are now equipped to help another person who is being thrust into a similar situation. Honestly, this almost reminds me of the last 2 1/2 years of the ongoing health crisis. In many ways, we’ve become equipped to be more compassionate and understanding of the realities of the faulty structures we have in our lives and in our systems. People have lost their lives to illnesses, police brutality, domestic violence, war, and other ways. People have lost their financial security as inflation continues. People have lost their sense of safety from losing shelter and other means of basic needs in times of natural disasters.
The sign of Leo represents leadership, courage, and integrity. Venus is the planet of love, who and what we are in a relationship with, our values, and what we deem as worthy. How are we leading by example? How are we walking in alignment with our values?
The Venom: part of “The Tools”. When ”light”, it offers self-realization through suffering. When in dark, there’s an unwillingness to find a solution or forgive.
“The spreading of the Venom is like a chain reaction. When we strike others, it is likely we have ourselves been struck. Break the cycle.”
This card has the Earth where it seems to be within the mouth of some kind of animal with fangs. There’s a noxious gas around the mouth with green, yellow, and orange. Venus made a trine with Chiron Rx in Aries on the 23rd followed by an intense square with Uranus in Taurus and the Nodes on the 25th. Venus meeting with Chiron may have brought up some old wounds or “venom” to be transmuted into nectar— filled with nutrients that were filtered from what would’ve been harmful in its previous raw form. Like with the Saturn aspects, Venus has made a conjunction with Uranus and the North Node back on June 11th. Now, there is a crisis point coming up to ask us to shift into a more sustainable position. How can you shift the weight to bring greater balance? You might need to offload a few things.
The Lover: part of “The Selves”. When ”light”, there’s connection, expansion, devotion & awe. When “dark”, there’s a need for indulgence, attachment, & obsession.
“When you hold someone’s gaze for several moments, you’ll feel The Lover within you awaken. It is common to seek The Lover in another. The true gift is finding The Lover in yourself.”
Of course Venus is part of this energy because Venus is the planet of love and relationships but I feel this type of love is self-love. Real love as in seeing yourself and all your parts and accepting what you see fully with the least amount of judgement.
With Jupiter RX in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini, it can blow things out if proportion pretty quickly in terms of indulgence. Don’t indulge in things that take away from loving you. Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow in Libra also so be mindful that topics that are coming up will come up again when Mercury returns once it’s retrograde. Libra is a sign some associate with people-pleasing and wanting to keep the peace. One big lesson I’ve learned in life is: your peace matters first. Protect your peace at all costs. That might mean you need to disconnect from social media, from people you’re close to, or other things that can hold you hostage.
Rebel Deck Oracle Cards:
“You think someone is lying. They are.” and
“You are loved. You are here for a reason. Don’t fuck it up.”
I love these cards for this moon cycle. Ultimately, I feel they are reminders as we go through these energies. Again, don’t listen to people projecting false images of you onto you. It’s definitely a time where you need to really sink into who you are and what your Truths are at this time, especially as Mars will be in Gemini for the next 7 months and enters its pre-retrograde shadow. Mars in Gemini can bring friction to our communication (speaking, writing, social media), issues with siblings & close family members (cousins, aunts, uncles), and traveling. Depending on where Gemini shows up in your chart, it will show more possibilities of how it can be expressed.
Remember who you are. Be kind to yourself and others and don’t be afraid to assert yourself at any time. Don’t let any distractions (another Gemini expression) stop you from getting to your goals. Take breaks to rest your mind and fend off being overly stimulated, find structures and systems that keep you focused and organized, stay grounded, and be flexible.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Post new Moon Reflections:
Stay tuned for post-moon reflections during the first quarter moon in Sagittarius!
Here’s a few posts that can help you with this New Moon energy:
A reminder post posted by @thehoodhealer
Moon quicktip from @ChaniNichols
Nervous system check-in from @katescleanlife
Constructive care from @nedratawwab
I’ve decided to wait until the First Quarter (for the New Moon) or the Last Quarter (for the Full Moon) to provide a reflection because at this point, the lesson the moon was revealing is much more clear at these points.
Take care,