The Body As An Altar: 90 Day Rest & Rebirth - Week One

The intention

When my friend, Tashi mentioned to me that she was feeling called to do a 90-day detox, I felt like it must be something in the atmosphere because I was feeling that way, too. I had already decided during Scorpio season I was going to be in my “hermit” mode just resting and getting clear on my next moves. Plus, I blocked off the whole month of January, too. I took some time contemplating whether I should block off the whole month or just a week and settled on a month. The truth is, I’ve been observing how things have gone in the month of January for the past few years and I noticed it’s a very inward month for me. There’s not much happening and has actually been a stressful time especially when I feel the urge to push against the natural feel of wanting and needing to be in solitude.

I’ll share in a few how this actually shows up on my astrological & energetic blueprint (Astrology birth chart & Human Design chart).

I knew I needed to take time away with the Lunar Eclipse happening so close to my Sun placement. Something was going to need tending to as there’s something that is ready to end or leave during this time. Lunar Eclipses are times of great endings but also beginnings that come from those endings. My intention for joining the 90 Day Reset was to observe the way the energy shows up for me and to be intentional with how I co-create with the available energy.

What is the 90-day reset?

During the 90-Day reset and rebirth, Tashi is guiding me and nine other women in “creating our vibe” as we anchor into the embodiment of love and support we seek. To begin, we’re embarking on a journey of 21-days of self-love. She provided us with recommendations for activities we could engage in but mostly to inspire us to be conscious and present as we get in touch with ourselves and the love we innately are.

An example of the activities are:

  • writing a love letter to ourselves— what we love about ourselves and why

  • affirmations we can recite

  • taking ourselves on a date or cooking a nourishing meal for ourselves.

    These are “simple” things that don’t require much of us, but in the same vein, require plenty of us in terms of being present and thoughtful about how we show up for ourselves each day.

It is said that it takes 15-21 days to form a habit. By integrating acts of self-love and thoughtful self-care into our everyday lives, we can ultimately show up in big ways for ourselves because at the end of the day, we have our back and we are able to tend to our spirit and heart. From this space, we can truly give from a full cup that overflowing with love and resources.

Though it wasn’t what she originally shared with me, she added a herbalism certification as well as a reiki certification to within the 90-day program.

what the stars say

As I’ve been diving deeper into my astrological birth chart and Human Design chart, I could start to see why January in particular has shown past patterns of the need to seclude and indulge in a bit of a hibernation. In my birth chart, I have the middle of Capricorn and beginning of Aquarius in the 8th House. The 8th House is all about transformation, rebirth/death, other people’s resources, inheritance and debts, among other themes.

Capricorn and Aquarius are both ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, delays, structures, authority and time. With that heavy-handedness of Saturn in such a deep House where my Moon and natal Saturn reside, it makes sense that it’s not a time of movement. It’s a time best used to study, observe and tend to my own energy. In my Human Design chart, I have an undefined Root Center. During both Capricorn and Aquarius season, the Sun is mostly occupying Gates in the Root Center. With an undefined Root, I feel a lot of pressure from those around me that have it defined and it’s pretty exhausting because so many people are trying to rush to be productive at the top of the year. Many times, that pressure isn’t used efficiently and is coupled with stress and anxiety that comes after the holidays and even leading up to it. The feeling of another year that went by and certain things not coming to fruition. The feeling of needing to do more this new year, “new year, new me” vibes. The Root Center governs our drive, ambition, adrenaline, stress and melancholy. Also, I noticed that during Aquarius season, the Sun does end up squaring my Sun in Taurus so that’s another reason to lay low and Uranus, the planet of unexpected shake ups, is traveling through Taurus as well.

So, my conclusion is to use Capricorn and Aquarius season to strategize, study and retreat to use the energy of pressure to my benefit and then come Pisces season, the Sun will be in my 10th House, the house of aspirations, reputation and career/business, and I can be ready to share my offerings. Then, Aries season is the astrological New Year where flowers are blooming and it’s a great time to be initiated into something new.

That’s my little tidbit of the analysis of the cosmos!

Week one reflection

Before I even began the week, I had been working on formulating a plan to be inspired by. I decided to use the guidance of the knowledge of my charts (Astrology & Human Design) to help me deepen my connection and understanding of the current available energy. I made a PDF that listed the Sun transits through the Gates of the BodyGraph/Rave Mandala for each zodiac season. For these 90 days, we’re going to experience transits through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius. In the BodyGraph, you’ll see as you track the Gates that majority of the Sacral Center is lit up by Sagittarius energy with five Gates there, the Root is mostly defined by Capricorn (3) and Aquarius (2) energy, and the Solar Plexus is defined with mostly Aquarius (2) & Pisces (4) energy.

I added a sample of the PDF pages I made for myself for the start of Sagittarius season below.


I felt this was helpful information because in this program, after the first twenty one days being dedicated to self-love practices, we’ll be going through the seven chakras and spending a week harnessing the energy of each one. The BodyGraph uses the Chakras in the framework and mechanics in the form of the Centers. By observing the way the Centers are defined by planetary transits and by energetic connections (the creation of a temporary Channel in the individual chart), it’s easier to use the available energy to your advantage to make targeted and intentional progress.

Along with recording the Gate activations, I made note of which Houses in my Astrological birth chart were being lit up by the Sun’s transit. For me, from Scorpio season to Aquarius season, my 5th House all the way to my 9th House is lit up. Each House in the birth chart specifies a theme of life that will be of focus for you. When the Sun makes contact with any planets in those Houses via a “conjunction”, it will activate that planet along with and aspects that planet naturally makes in my chart known as the “natal promise”. You get to see the planetary energy in action.

I started off the week on a great note. For me, my focus was on my mindset and thought patterns which aligns with the Center and Gate we began in— Gate 43 in the Ajna Center, where the third-eye lives. I wasn’t as focused on detox in the form of restriction or limitation of foods but rather the welcoming in of foods I craved and allowing myself to enjoy them. I didn’t refrain from alcohol since I’m not a big drinker but I do plan to abstain going into the next weeks as I’ll be exploring with and incorporating herbs in my routine and ritual to get into my body. All was well except a few bumps of melancholy on Saturday and Tuesday. As a natural empath, I was picking up on some feelings that weren’t mine and I needed time to “empty out” and process those emotions. On Tuesday, I attended a very inspirational and humbling chat with three other designers and a veteran designer who offered to provide a mentoring chat to us. It was truly nourishing to have a transparent chat and be in communion with other Black designers who believe in uplifting each other, especially in an industry such as ours. I have a lot to process with that.

On Wednesday, we entered Gate 14 in the Sacral and it will stay there for the next six or so days. Gate 14 is the Gate of Power Skills and this is legit power as it’s a generated source of energy coming from the Sacral. It’s seductive and skillful. This energy creates a temporary Channel for me— 2/14 Channel of the Beat. With the knowledge of this Channel and Center, I created a reflection question to see how this energy is showing up for me. Gate 14 has access to resources— time, money, energy and in this case “skills”. It has the energy to go out and create resources and see what resources (including other peoples resources) are worth investing in. Honestly, thinking about how this Gate activation, I feel this energy was present last night in the group chat. By looking at the degrees, Venus and Mercury were both activating Gate 14 and then the Sun followed. Powerful observation truly! The Channel of the Beat is all about empowering and encouraging others to keep at their individual creative direction by marching to the beat of your own drum. It’s also about providing tangible investments of energy/resources to provide guidance for them and yourself. That conversation was an embodiment of just that.

Earlier on Tuesday, I needed to self-soothe myself through intrusive thoughts. I went to the gym but was still in a mood. Once I was able to take a shower and love up on myself by taking my time to rub some lovely rose body oil on my skin and switch into something more comfy and warm, I felt much better.

The Sacral Center involves the womb and the energy of creation. During this time of Sun transits through the Sacral Gates of Sagittarius, I’ll be focusing on womb care with herbs to flush out and since I’m not currently menstruating (still breastfeeding my little one), I’m making preparing my uterus to begin it’s cycle again as my time nursing my baby will most likely come to an end around her second birthday.

Also, I’m working on testing my limits and exploring my boundaries:

  • What feels like the correct use of my available resources (time, money, energy, knowledge)?

  • How can I best use these temporary boosts of energy to help me guide my projects forward (in my business)?

Sacral energy is amplified within me because I have a completely open Sacral center in my chart so I’m becoming wise about the usage of that energy. With me being even more aware of this energy, I can see how it’s coming up and I’m playing around with it.

Moving into next week

As we wrap up this week, I’ll still be focused on the Sacral center but I assume the next week will call for more physical movement. The chart on the right shows the way the Gates are activated right now.

Brief overview:

Gate 8 is being activated by Earth in Taurus (opposite the Sun)

Gate 1 is activated by the South Node in Scorpio

Gate 2 is activated by the North Node and Uranus

Gate 34 is activated by Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius

Gate 12 is activated by Mars in Gemini (retrograde)

In my chart, I have Gate 20 which is one of the Gates that connects to Gate 34 creating the “Channel of Charisma”. I’ll be observing how this energy is showing up for me as it will be activated for a couple weeks—plus, the Sun will be entering that Gate next week.

So far, I do feel the energy to speak and share verbally which is wonderful for me. I’ll be working on podcast episodes and it’ll probably be a great time to implement mirror work, too.

Talk to you next week and have a great weekend!


New Growth: New Moon in Sagittarius


Eclipse Season: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus