New Growth: New Moon in Sagittarius
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!
Today at 5:57 PM ET we have the New Moon in Sagittarius at 1°. Just seeing that this new moon— along with all the next new moons until April— will be at this degree is truly remarkable. The first degree in Astrology is associated with the zodiac sign of Aries and the theme is about initiation & trailblazing. I love this degree paired with a new moon because it adds emphasis on the fresh new energy available to us. However, this could be paired with hastiness and impatience which we don’t wanna do.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this New Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.
new moon energy
New Moon in Sagittarius chart in EDT generated on
This New Moon is asking us to take stock of what’s unfolding in our reality. To me, it seems like I’ve been experiencing a bit of a “slingshot” moment where I’ve been brought back to a familiar space and will soon be “shot” forward— which is exciting and also important because if that’s what it is, it’s a big head down season. I’ve been preparing for that already as I’ve observed that most of the Winter months are my natural “Hermit Mode”. This will be the first year that I’m working on working with the energy versus against it. Hermit Mode is more of an active rest. It’s focusing my energy on and within a space/project so I can come back in Spring to join everyone else and take advantage of the fresh new universal energy of the Spring Equinox aka the energetic New Year.
Jupiter in Pisces just went direct today and it rules over the New Moon in Sagittarius. Also, before the moon reached the Sun, it made a trine to Jupiter as it went from Scorpio to Sagittarius. With that in mind, I believe it places more emphasis on the journey we just went through in Scorpio. What did we encounter and what new truths have been revealed? In the Tarot, Sagittarius is represented by “Temperance”. It’s all about the right amount and the right kind of indulgences. It’s about finding balance. Sagittarius is all about seeing the bigger picture and embracing it. However, the smaller details can get lost or glanced over in the pursuit of their happiness and adventures.
Overall, this energy is a bit of a relief from all the intense feelings and moments from the Eclipses. The energy still lingers from the Eclipse cycle but we are able to focus on the way forward. Mercury and Venus are conjoined each other in Sagittarius which signifies that our values and thought processes are on the same page. Sagittarius is focused on seeking the truth, heading out to uncharted territory or the path less beaten, moral code, and faith. Mars is still one to watch especially since it opposes Sagittarius by sign and Mars will meet Mercury, Venus, and then the Sun next month. In opposition situations, the energy is one of compromise and finding harmony between the different perspectives/approaches. As a reminder, Mars in Gemini is in its retrograde cycle until January so actions and words can be mistaken, there can be arguments, there can advocating and there can be great trivia — in whatever sense you want to apply that. Retrograde cycles bring up things that need to be re-addressed, revised, re-negotiated, and replaced or rejected (all the re-‘s).
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post from @adrianaayales about expansion and awareness/consciousness
IG post from @gisellebuchanan with a quote from Audre Lorde
IG post from @theMinimalists about the real root reason we scroll so much on our phones… (cue Mars in Gemini— Gemini rules over communication/social media and Mars is actions we take habitually & impulsively)
Tweet from @yakari_gabriel about the trauma attached to the careers/jobs we chose in our lives and the fact that many of us don’t choose one from a place of true joy.
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Sacred Landscapes Deck:
Purification: Scorpio season did what it had to do and now that we’re on the other side, we can bask in the rejuvenating and healing rain it gave up. It’s a good time to reflect on what the rain was for you. Was it actual tears? Was it delicious and nutritious? Was it a hard pill to swallow?
Illumination RX: After the deep psychological cleansing of Scorpio season, what “impurities” needed removal from our body and space is now clear as day. Like the fuzziness shown in the card above, we can clean off our lens to reveal some hard truths.
From this recollection, we can see what wasn’t healthy and see how things have evolved over time through ignorance, avoidance, or just not being conscious. As I like to say, once you are aware, you can’t become unaware. At that point, it’s a choice to ignore what you’ve become conscious of.
Change: Now that we know this information, what will we do with it? How will we create change? I like that this card represents “change” because change requires imagination. You have to imagine a landscape that doesn’t yet exist and you have to reverse engineer it to figure out the next best step. There will need to be innovative enhancements that will have their faults at first, but you get to tweak things as you learn more and apply what you’ve learned.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention.
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.