Flow: My Word for 2020 & My Process For Choosing It

For the past three years, I've been really focusing on my personal growth, at first focusing narrowly on my career, then I transferred to more deep healing of my inner consciousness.

With this year being a new year AND a new decade, it was very important for me to be realistic and think about what I wanted my focus to be on with this new opportunity, this new beginning, this new and fresh energy. The way I went about selecting this year and last year's word, consistency, was by making a list of words that came to mind for what I've been focusing on throughout the previous year and looking at where I may have struggled. Then, I look up the definitions and see which one sticks out and feels like the best word for me.

For me, definitions are crucial. What my mind may perceive a word to mean based on how it is applied in society could completely change how I approach the year. Being clear on the true meaning of a word means has helped me to apply it effectively to my life.

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Here's my list of words for the year 2020:

Breathe: take air into the lungs then expel it

Joy: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady

Rise: move from a lower position to a higher one

Energy: the strength and vitality required for physical and mental activity

Flow: the mental state of being fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity✔️✔️

Being in FLOW was exactly what I wanted like Twista spittin’ smooth rhymes back-to-back on “Celebrity Overnight” or Busta on “Look at me now”.

But then the question is, how can I turn this into a practical, everyday life situation? I’m not tryna be a rapper. How can I FLOW like this in my personal and business life.

Since 2018, my life has been throwing curveballs and have tested my resilience, perseverance, and faith. I know now, after some time doing the work, that it is all apart of a large plan for me. I still am not 100% what is coming to me, but what I have been able to manifest and receive since then has truly steered me towards my freedom. Looking back at how I approached life in the last two years gave me insight into what I should and should not continue to do in order to be in flow.

My mind moves so quickly and I can see how this is a great thing when utilized properly. I can see and know how it can be an issue if I don’t have a handle on it. I am known for overthinking and striving for perfection and therefore falling into analysis paralysis. I'm more aware now of what my distractions are and what I need to stay "fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus".

For me to be in flow, I need:

- to feel free to express myself with minimal restrictions/distractions

- to have minimal external distractions

- to be well-rested and nourished

- to have a routine I can follow that also allows me some leisure time

- to not feel rushed

- to enjoy what I plan on doing

How do I implement the framework for this:

- Time-management: scheduling with buffer room- enough room to work at a steady pace to avoid burnout, breaking up a big project into tiny steps

- Prioritization: assigning due dates, utilizing a to-do list of important tasks,

- Self-care: journaling, carving out time for fun and relaxation, wellness, rest

- Self-improvement: therapy, self-help books/resources, getting to know me via astrology and spirituality


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