Transcending Time Lines: Full Moon in Pisces
Happy Full Moon in Pisces!
Today at 5:56 AM ET we have the Full Moon in Pisces at 17° which definitely came in with quite a -bang-! The veil is thin between the physical realm and the spiritual realm whenever the Moon is in Pisces. With the Moon in proximity to Neptune, it’s really important to tap into your intuition and use discernment as things are not as they seem to the naked eye. Also, it’s really not time to force or push anything. Just go with the flow as much as you can!
Take into account the energy that has been in motion the last week because Mercury in Libra just stationed retrograde and Mars in Gemini is now in its pre-shadow phase. Mars will be stationing retrograde at the end of October, just in time for Halloween (another thin veil time).
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.
full moon energy
Full Moon in Pisces chart in EDT generated on
This Full Moon is asking us to slow down, give things a second look, and get grounded— just like the New Moon in Virgo two weeks ago. This time though, you really need to pause. With Neptune blurring things, it’s better to use this energy to express yourself creatively and/or just chill. I actually went out today (Sept. 9th) because the energy was so heavy for me and tried on shoes—- major Pisces vibes (Pisces rules the feet/footwear).
We don’t just have Mercury entering its retrograde cycle, but also have five other planets in their retrograde cycle for the rest of September into October. This energy is begging us to turn inward and take a step back before moving forward.
Just before the Moon reached its fullness, it will oppose Venus in Virgo and it will square Mars in Gemini. There’s a lot of mental pressure right now and that can lead to making decisions with the mind instead of the body. Grab the facts, talk it out, feel it out, then, from a grounded and secure state, make the decision or take the action necessary.
Hours after the Moon is full, it will conjoin with Neptune so it’s important to just observe. Neptune is still in its own retrograde cycle so things are still needing to be reviewed or re-experienced. Also, the Moon will positively aspect the Nodes of the Moon so there’s an important shift happening that is accompanied by Uranus in Taurus conjoined to the North Node.
After the Moon conjoins Neptune, it will sextile Pluto which is also retrograde in Capricorn. This energy can be helpful to integrate anything that comes to the surface. It might not be easy to do since Pluto is not exactly comfortable energy, but in the long run, it will be necessary for the structure that’s being reviewed and renewed.
Here are a few posts that can help you with this Full Moon energy:
-How can we seek beauty in spite of the pain we may be enduring?
How can we transmute that pain into the nectar that replenished us?
-“Anchoring prayers for direction in life” by Nakeia Homer:
-“A Journey Through Emotional States” Short story by Morgan Harper Nichols :
-Attempting to manage another person’s emotional experience by Sit With Whit
-“Feeling joy is the scariest emotion.” - Brene Brown
The fear that it can be taken away if life gets “too good”.
-“Self-erasure is really related to people pleasing”… -Dr. Thema on The Almost 30 Podcast
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Wild Unknown Archetype Deck and the Rider Waite Tarot.
Wild Unknown Archetype:
The Mother: part of “The Selves”. When ”light”, it is glowing, generative, creative & nurturing. When “dark”, it is dim, exhausted, controlling, and limiting.
“…The Mother (especially on the earthly plane) contains both light and dark aspects of the feminine. With the best of intentions The Mother wraps her loving arms around her creations and begins to grip what she meant to set free... The Mother holds the key to the eternal challenge of love.”
As a mother, I know it’s easy to put others before myself. Especially since I still breastfeed, my daughter does rely on me to an extent, but now that she’s walking, she can be cared for and tended to by people who aren’t me. There’s a balance of allowing others to take over for some time while I tend to myself and my personal goals. Trusting that all is well. There’s a wounding attached to mothering in the “right” way.
The Mother in this card is also related to the Divine Mother and muse. When inspiration strikes, we’re excited to begin this new journey and then things ebb in the energy as we work to bring something forth into the world. There come frustrations, irritations, and headaches. Then, we fall in love with the new result once we’ve finally given “birth” to the thing we’ve endured all the growing pains for. Reality sinks in that once it’s released, your work is ultimately done and all you are responsible for is guiding and maintaining it.
The Moon is often seen as “The Mother” archetype. The Moon is undergoing a moment of releasing control, surrendering to the sudden endings from Uranus in Taurus as well as the divine guidance from Neptune. It’s time to let go of control and to be an observer and a guide. It’s no use trying to force things on people that need to be free to make their decisions and experience life. Release the weight. Allow your mind to be at peace and your heart to be filled with love and gratitude for the journey so far trusting that what’s to come will be just as beautiful in its own way.
The Mask: part of “The Tools”. When ”light”, it reveals what has been suppressed. When in dark, it further conceals what is rejected.
“The Mask gives voice to what which was previously rejected…Enact the side of you that is seeking expression, yet was never given a role to play on the stage of your life… There may be mischief and deception around, and others may be trying in new masks, too. No one is sure who is who.”
This card sounds like Pisces and Neptune with the veil and distortion of facts and boundaries. The Sun is our way finder, our vitality— it’s who we are here to be and how we shine. The Moon will reflect the rays from the Sun onto us here on Earth. Energetically, we’ll be seeing a side of us that we may have been unaware of or have been too afraid to share. The Sun and Neptune will directly oppose each other next Friday, Sept. 16. What is real and what is false? Remember that people project “truths” onto us every day of our lives. You get to decide what is true for you and what no longer is true for you. You can change your reality in terms of changing your mindset and beliefs around your self-image and anchoring yourself into a more loving state of mind.
The Forest: part of “The Places”. When ”light”, there’s magic abounds, childlike wonder and adventure. When “dark”, there’s concealment, density, and savagery.
“ There are tricksters here, dense foliage, and entanglement. But equally present are the glimmers of fairy light and friends among the trees. You’re on an adventure now, and there’s no turning back, so embrace the dim light and the moving shadows.”
Of course, this energy reminds me of Mercury and Gemini. Mercury in mythology is known as the trickster. Then, when I think of a dense forest and the mystical aspects and wanderlust, I think of Pisces energy. It’s quite elusive. The Moon in Pisces will make contact with Mars in Gemini. Mars is all about action and in Gemini it’s a very much tied to our thoughts, mental processing and communication styles— not to mention the ruler of Gemini, Mercury , is now retrograde. Use the energy to review, revise and re-imagine where to go and what to do next. See what unfolds and don’t attach to an outcome. Dream a little to expand your consciousness but stay alert and grounded in what you know to be true. .
Raider Waite Tarot:
The High Priestess RX & Ace of Cups RX
These cards together are asking us to tune into our inner knowing, use discernment and pour into ourselves before we offer our energy up to others. There’s nothing noble about self-sacrifice. Sure, help out if you can, but remember to replenish yourself. It’s time to take time alone to recharge and listen carefully to the downloads and insights coming your way. This energy can be emotionally heavy so tend to your physical vessel and your Spirit. Moisturize, take a bath, drink plenty of water, nourish your body with delicious foods— treat yourself. Also, it’s important to have energetic boundaries to protect the work you’re doing to take care of yourself.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Post new Moon Reflections:
Stay tuned for post-moon reflections during the last quarter moon in Gemini!
The Last Quarter Moon yesterday had me dining some inner-teen/self-love work. My favorite book for anything dealing with love is, “All About Love” by the late bell hooks. I decided to look at the table of contents to see what chapter stood out to me and, of course, chapter two “Justice: “ was the one that made my heart strings being tugged at in the center of my chest,
I reflected in my journal by jotting down the quotes that stood out to me as necessary medicine for what I was feeling.
Security , community & forgiveness
Lucha: pleasing the self, before others. Focus on pleasing your Spirit. Being true to your values, your wants and needs instead of what you think others want from you. Listen to your body saying no and enough is enough.
Take care,