Open Your Eyes: New Moon in Libra
Happy New Moon in Libra!
Today at 5:54 PM ET we have the New Moon in Libra at 2°. We are officially in the Autumn/Beltane season where we will begin to harvest the fruits from the seeds we sowed in the Spring as the astrological year began. In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s getting cooler and we are moving into the holiday season as well.
Honestly, it’s a great time to take a look at our relationships since the holidays tend to have us in close proximity with our families, chosen or blood-related. The sign of Libra is all about harmony, reconciliation, what is fair & just, and of course, all about the aesthetic!
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this New Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. New Moons are about new beginnings, getting a fresh start, and setting intentions for the next two weeks.
new moon energy
New Moon in Libra chart in EDT generated on
This New Moon is asking us to renew our lease on life. How can you lighten your load and make your life as beautiful as possible? Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder— you get to define way what a truly beautiful life is and can be.
The Sun and Moon both oppose Jupiter in Aries who’s currently making its way back towards is home sign, Pisces. There’s some reviewing that needs to be done before Jupiter can continue the mission it’s on in Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so we embarked on a new Jupiter cycle that is still immature and needing some adjustments in the strategy. We’ve got some interesting pairings as Mercury re-enters Virgo after meeting with the Sun who just entered Libra. The Sun and Mercury conjoined each other creating a “cazimi”, an opportune time for receiving downloads/insights and beneficial conversations.
Venus and Mercury both in Virgo make a trine to Pluto which is in its retrograde cycle. We’ve had a chance to review things in our relationships that don’t feel good to us or rather any relationships we have that deplete our energy instead of restoring and nourishing us. These relationships are not just with people but with things, too.
Mars in Gemini makes a trine to Saturn RX in Aquarius and creates a square to Uranus RX in Taurus. Mars and Saturn are seeing eye-to-eye even though Saturn would much rather move slowly and deliberately and Mars wants to jump to the chase like a person doing parkour. With this aspect, they can see how to use Mars’ energy to help Saturn move a project or situation forward by reviewing the current structuring and forming necessary updates for when Saturn goes direct next month.
Uranus on the other hand is creating friction around taking action and observing. Uranus brings sudden changes and shocks like a jerking movement. With Uranus also in its retrograde cycle, it’s an inward and reflective focus. Uranus in Taurus is creating a new foundation in our societies though the outcome is uncertain and is creating some chaos in the process. Mars brings the energy to take swift but instictive action and Saturn brings the inner discipline and boundaries in order to benefit the collective cause (if we choose to be present and use it that way).
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post from The Nap Ministry (Tricia Hersey) speaking about the importance of taking Sabbath for at least a month out of the year. She’s doing two months this year!
IG post from somatic abstract artist Adriane Nieves. The words she wrote really stress the need to take space.
Twitter post by @Basedukhti about combatting Seasonal Depression (SAD)
Twitter post by @AstrobyMax about a pattern with this Mercury Retrograde
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Boriken Oracle Deck and The Spells Deck: 78 Charms, Remedies, and Rituals for the Modern Mystic by Cat Cabral
Boriken Oracle Deck:
“Aguanile (ah-gwa-nee-le), a Yoruba word for "cleanse yourself or cleanse your home.” Spiritual hygiene should be done routinely as energies easily attach themselves to your spirit. Notice how you feel around certain people or places, send away feelings or energies that do not belong to you”
The swirl in the image is like water swirling down a drain. Imagine yourself in a bathtub soaking in the warm water allowing all the things that must leave your skin (your physical boundary) and your auric field (your energetic boundary). When you’re down, you remove the stopper and sit in the tub as the water slips further and further down the tub, down the drain. Take some time to reflect on what things you need to cleanse from your mind, your body, your spirit, and the immediate environments you occupy on a daily basis.
What do you frequently encounter that makes you say, “I really gotta leave this sh*t alone”?
This process is a Plutonian influence— to cleanse, to purge. Pluto meets with Venus in Virgo to shed light on what we’ve been consuming and trying to digest in our relationships. There’s something that’s been upsetting your inner rhythm. Before Venus heads home to Libra, she must meet with the Lord of the Underworld to face the underbelly of her decisions thus far. It’ll be a prettier picture if she can worry less about the details of how and just focus on the why.
Also, Pluto meets with Mercury whose in the last leg of its retrograde cycle but starting to slow down as it goes direct on October 2nd. Mercury is back in a sign it rules over so the logical, analytical mind is processing a deeper look at a familiar topic. What thought patterns and mental chatter and clutter need to be parted away?
Slow Movement:
“Take your time with relationships, new journeys, and creative or business ventures. Slow movement allows you to take every step needed; don't rush the process.“
This card reminds me of the song I found on Instagram titled, “Slow Down My Thoughts” by Zachary Knowles. In the song, Knowles sings, “I just wanna shut down the pressure swimmin’ through my head, try to focus, I can’t help but put it on you instead…” It’s got Saturn written all over it— the pressure from Saturn RX in Aquarius even in a trine to Mars in Gemini. Mars will be entering its retrograde cycle at the end of October so now that I meets up with Saturn, there’s some helpful things to take stock of with Saturn having been in its own retrograde cycle since May. Don’t go around projecting messy emotions and scattered thoughts out toward others. You’ll only regret it. Mars will be in Gemini until March and retrograde until January. Also, Aquarius and Gemini are Air signs stressing the importance of being mindful in your communication with others and yourself. Taking your time, taking deep breathes will allow you to remain focused on the end goal. Allow space to accept proper invitations from others. Your energy aka your personal resources are very valuable. Believe it, honor it, and act like it is so.
Also, the Sun and Moon meet up in an opposition with Jupiter in Aries, also in its retrograde cycle. The abundant and expansive planet is in the sign of Aries. With an opposition forming with the luminaries, the Sun and Moon in Libra, there needs to be a compromise in order to move forward with something we’ve been working in since Jupiter entered Aries earlier this year. Jupiter will be re-entering the sign of Pisces in a few weeks which will give us further insight on what needs our attention. Libra wants balance, Aries wants movement. How can you have both? What is within your control and within your current limitations?
“Not all is what it seems. This vejigante (ve-he-gan-te) mask warns against behaviors or addictions that may seem fun but are mischievous and detrimental to your mental, spiritual, and/or physical health.”
This card brings more focus to the Mars-Saturn aspect especially because now Mars is caught between the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square. Since 2020, Saturn has been in a square with Uranus. Saturn, the planet of discipline and systems, and Uranus, the planet of reform and upheavals, have had intense friction between them. Saturn has had the upper hand because it has been in a sign it rules. Uranus does not like being in Taurus, a sign that dislikes change. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, the sign Saturn has been for the last two years which exaggerates the themes Aquarius represents such as community, social groups, technology, humanitarianism, the future and separation. When you add Mars, the planet of action, assertion, and passion to this feud, it can be blinded by the impatience of this long drawn out conflicting energies. With that, it’s important to take heed and consider that we still don’t have all the necessary information to take extreme measures. Right now, what is the next best small move? Remember, Uranus and Saturn are still in their retrograde cycles and Mars will be entering it’s retrograde cycle soon.
“The Spells Deck”:
You can’t make this up!
Saturn is at home in Aquarius and is gearing up to take its final trip through the rest of Aquarius before it enters Pisces in March. Saturn has been in its home signs since 2019! It’s been a very long time with lots of unsettling lessons and reflections we’ve been dealing with collectively.
Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra so it loves to be in contact with that sign. The Sun, however, does not like being in Libra. During Libra season, especially when the Sun is in the later degrees and creates a trine to Saturn, we’ll need to be grounded and firm about what our core values. What we feel is fair and just will be put to the test by Saturn. It’s best to take the time now to prepare with this awareness so when the time arises, we are clear about what boundaries we’ll need to uphold.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Post new Moon Reflections:
Stay tuned for post-moon reflections during the first quarter moon in Capricorn!
I saw this IG post which reminded me that the pace of things may not have been ideal and we can attribute that to Mercury revealing some blind spots we may have had the last three weeks. It’s annoying, sure, but we can look at it as a quarterly refresher/review period. Interestingly enough, we’ll be ending the year with a Mercury Retrograde so let’s allow the clarity to pour on in as many shifts occur.
Mentally, the month is September was rough and I found myself as we were leading up to this New Moon, during the dark moon phases especially, a lot of grief and confusion around the current season I’m in right now. I found this post mid-month and honestly, as we are on the other side of the New Moon heading towards the Full Moon in Aries— where we’ll realize things that have been happening since March, it’s important to choose joy. Despite all the darkness and challenges. Be in awe of the beauty in the mundane of life.
It is Libra season after all— Libra’s planetary ruler, Venus is heading home, too where she wants to rest and be pampered a little bit, enjoy some banter with friends before she continues her journey into the not-so-welcoming signs, like Scorpio where she’ll be asked to visit the Underworld like Persephone.
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.