Full Throttle: Full Moon in Aries
Happy Full Moon in Aries!
Today at 4:54PM ET we have the Full Moon in Aries at 16°. You might have felt all kinds of emotions and thoughts coming up leading up to this deeply reflective and transformative energy. There are a few energies we may be familiar with and others are strengthening as there are two planets changing direction during the course of this lunation.
We’re in a bit of a transitional period, still acclimating to our surroundings and the effects of this new season. Libra season is all about aesthetics, but don’t get too fixated on the looks of things.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.
full moon energy
Full Moon in Aries chart in EDT generated on Astro-seek.com
This Full Moon is asking us to surrender to healing parts of ourselves and our lineage that would otherwise be ignored. Mercury in Virgo met up with Pluto in Capricorn in a trine aspect along with the Sun in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries. Chiron is a minor planet associated with the “Wounded Healer” archetype that comes from Greek mythology. Pluto is bringing up some thoughts and mental patterns that have been holding us back especially as Mercury was in this position back in August. Plus, Pluto goes direct. With the Sun in Libra also opposing Chiron, there are some uncomfortable emotions and views that need to be faced. Pluto and Chiron are both in their retrograde cycle still so these are topics we’ll revisit again.
With the Full Moon occurring so close to Chiron, it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on for the next two weeks. With the help and guidance of Chiron, we’ll be dealing with mother wounds. The mother wound could be from experiences we dealt with our own mother but could also be emotions/traits passed on from other generations that are seeking expression through you. These topics can range from expressing rage/anger, dealing with past abandonment issues, issues with self-asserting being mistaken for aggression and possibly inflammatory conversations with others. It doesn’t need to be seen as “bad”. Try to see it as what is so you can best move through the energy and return back to a calm state.
For me, it’s been a really tough feeling and dealing with the waves of emotions and intrusive thoughts. There’s been lots of crying, too. Then, I remembered, tears are cleansing and purifying. I chatted with a friend about the energy and it became clear from our conversation that others were feeling this, too. One thing I can say for sure is our ancestors and even our parents were not able to properly express their emotions because they lacked the space and safety and the tools and knowledge to do so. So, now that someone in the lineage does it can finally be expressed and let go over time.
What has helped me tremendously is moving the energy with rigorous movement/action. I decided to release my frustration by scrubbing my stubborn bathroom tile grout. It definitely worked up a sweat and I was able to see the results of my efforts quickly which eased my heart. Also, getting outside! I went for a walk with my kids after my son got home. We walked for probably 40 minutes and it was a warm day with a gentle breeze, and the sun shining. If you are more into the gym, lifting weights or hitting a punching bag can feel really good. Even Zumba! Just move your body and get out of your head.
Mars in Gemini creates a frustrating and irritating square to Neptune in Pisces today so don’t make any rash decisions. It’ll be like trying to shoot into a fog and you end up hitting the wrong target. Plus, Mars is the ruler of Aries, the sign of this lunation. Any planets that aspect Neptune is not seeing things clearly. This is not a battle of the mind but a battle of sight. You’ll have to get into your body to use your intuitive instincts to navigate this territory. Listen carefully, observe the landscape and wait for the fog (mental or emotional) to clear.
The Moon will oppose Venus in Libra on its way to being at its fullness. The Sun will trine Saturn in Aquarius who is slowing down and gearing up to go direct.
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Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post from @odeandiefredue bath time vibes to cleanse the body and mind
IG post from @thebloommethod telling women to let go of the grace belt because it is “giving your core a false sense of security and strength”.
IG Reel from @thehealingpoint_. I shared in my Stories how my experience gradually and mysteriously having hearing loss as a child was actually protection from my environment, and my upbringing (still no sound diagnosis).
IG post I shared back in 2020 with a quote from “All About Love” by bell hooks
IG post I shared back in 2020 (again) from an experience I had as I was tending my garden on my deck. It was really a visceral experience, too because I could see my garden as a metaphor for what I was going through internally.
IG post from @NYT_well about brown noise and how it’s different from the more well-known white noise.
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Raider Waite Tarot Deck
Raider Waite Tarot:
the hanged man:
This card speaks about pausing to view things from different vantage points to gain new perspectives. It’s a card of waiting for clarity and is the energy of the planet, Neptune. This energy is one of flow, not force. The man is hanging by his ankle— it’s not worth thrashing around trying to position yourself upright. You’ll only hurt yourself in the process and the answer to helping you get down may be a simple shifting of your weight or taking a moment to see if you can untie it yourself or call for help. In terms of the astrological connection, Neptune is still in its retrograde cycle and will be there for another month. Mars in Gemini is gearing up to enter its retrograde cycle on October 30th and is in its pre-retrograde shadow period. Mars wants to move, it doesn’t have time to sit around, and in a Mercury-ruled sign like Gemini, it’s got plenty of things running through its head. Let the blood that is rushing to your head from being hung upside down settle, close your eyes, hear your heartbeat, tune into your surroundings and breathe. Then, open your eyes. What do you see now? Do not move in haste or blindly.
the hierophant rx:
This card is the energy of a religious figure that is revered by many for their wisdom and guidance. When it is reversed, it asks us to reflect on how we can better acknowledge and honor our innate wisdom. Also, it speaks about the energy of lack and restrictions. The people at the feet of the Hierophant are looking to them for answers but it can be codependent instead of empowering them to take back their power. This card represents an archetype of the zodiac sign, Taurus. It’s a stable, determined, and reliable source. However, when it is flipped in reverse, there’s a bit of an overthrowing of those tried-and-true methodologies. We’re experiencing this now in many ways with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is also in the middle of its retrograde cycle and will be until January 22nd. It’s an outer planet like Neptune so we will feel its effects collectively and when it aspects inner/personal planets like Mercury or the Sun which are closer to Earth. The ongoing square with Saturn in Aquarius peaks again as they are both at 18 degrees but they will not be exact. With Saturn coming out of retrograde on the 23rd, we’ll be able to see more clearly what we’ve been working on to dismantle in our structures and systems both internally and externally, in our society at large, and in our close relationship dynamics, too. Our belief systems are being put to the test when it comes to the material realm. The Sun in Libra and then Venus in Libra will create pleasant aspects to Saturn so we will be able to get a glimpse of what’s working.
king of wands rx:
This card is about the right action and vision. Knowing when to move and how to move. When it is reversed, it’s asking us to look inward and observe our surroundings including within us to see where leadership is not healthy. In your observations consider where you or others have moved too quickly and caused issues in the past. What is working and what is not? Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. With this Full moon, some things need to come to an end. The New Moon in Aries set in motion some themes we’ve been working through since March and now parts of it are ready to be reviewed again and dealt with. Also, Jupiter in Aries will be moving back into Pisces on October 27th. This energy of going from fiery Aries to abysmal Pisces can be a bit disorienting. When Jupiter is in Pisces, it’s at home and can expand pretty rapidly. Someone pointed out that while Jupiter was in Pisces, we saw an increase in cryptocurrency but once Jupiter entered Aries there was a “bubble pop” moment. All of a sudden, people lost millions. What can we learn from rapid expansion in our lives? How can we allow it to inspire up to continue forward on the right path without being discouraged or feeling like we have to have more? What is “enough” for you and how can you ground in that?
back of deck- The Magician
This card is a reminder that we have everything that we need. All the resources are available to us in order to take the next best step. We may not have what we want, but we have what we need right now. Also, if we don’t have what we need, we might know someone who does— our connections to others are resources, too. However, don’t take more than necessary or you’ll just be bogged down by the excess weight. Be mindful of the ways in which you can utilize your tools. Being creative with the things you do have and alchemizing something that can be valuable in the long run— that’s what it means to be resourceful. The Magician is an archetype for the planet Mercury. Mercury has made its way back into its home sign and is back in forwarding motion, it’s time to take stock of what has come up. It met up with Pluto earlier this week to bring things to the surface. What can we use to make things more precise? How can we delegate to allow more space to see what we have to work with?
The Wild Unknown Archetype:
The Venom: part of “The Tools”. When ”light”, it is self-realization through suffering. When “dark”, it is unwilling to find a solution or forgive
“When the Venom card appears, there is a harmful substance in our psychic realm that must be identified. Perhaps your words have a sting of poison about them; perhaps a relationship is slowly draining your reserves.
Acknowledgment is the first step. Change is the second. The remedy will reveal itself in time and, with it, forgiveness.”
This card automatically reminds me of Chiron. The wounds the Moon is reflecting are coming from the light of the Sun. Parts of these wounds are coming from projections that we have embedded into how we present ourselves to the world and in our relationships. Are we being honest about who we are and who and what we want in our spaces? If you aren’t able to be honest about your situation you are closing yourself off from receiving the helpful resources and guidance available to you. You have to acknowledge the reality playing out and your role in the situation as well. Then, you can make the necessary changes. There really isn’t an easy fix to it. You just have to make the next best decision.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Post new Moon Reflections:
Stay tuned for post-moon reflections during the last quarter moon in Cancer!
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.