The Skin You’re In: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
Happy Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!
Today at 6:48 AM ET we have the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 2°. I find it beautiful that this Eclipse is occurring at a Taurus degree to really help us harness the duality of the Taurus/ Scorpio axis. We’ve been witnessing different shades of this energy since Uranus entered Taurus back in 2019 and as the nodes of the Moon shifted to this axis in December of last year. Scorpio has seductive energy that entices you to soften but also to expose what’s beneath the surface. It’s a delicate process to ask someone to undress the aspects of themselves they otherwise cover up and ignore. Scorpios can see right through the veil with a piercing and penetrative scope of view. It’s time to get undressed in front of you.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this New Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Solar Eclipses are about new beginnings, receiving clarity and new lessons for the next six months.
solar eclipse energy
Scorpio Solar Eclipse chart in EDT generated on
It’s time for a cleanse for your mind, body & Spirit, but we’re going deeper than you may anticipate.
This Solar Eclipse is asking us to get out of our comfort zone in order to experience what we desire. Saturn, the planet oF discipline and structures comes out of its retrograde cycle. Jupiter re-enters Dreamy and elusive Pisces until December. Perfect for visualization practices and connecting with your intuition and subconscious as this Moon is ruled by Mars in Gemini. Both of Pisces’ rulers are about to be co-present in Pisces again which creates energy better used to dream, expand your consciousness, create and tap into your imagination & intuition. Use discernment and uphold your boundaries with people, spaces, and things.
Also, with Mars in Gemini getting ready to enter its retrograde cycle on October 30th, be mindful of the power of the tongue. Words are spells so be intentional about what you are calling in, and how you speak of yourself, and to yourself. Be mindful of what you say yes to. Mars in Gemini is in its shadow period and enters retrograde on Oct. 30th til Jan. 12th. It will remain in Gemini until Mar. 25th. The pace of things will slow down as the urge for external action is turned inward. Can you extend grace for yourself as you turn the energy inward to make improvements in your mindset and around how you view productivity?
There was a Venus Cazimi (when Venus & the Sun are exactly conjunct with each other) on Saturday at 29° Libra brought up important topics around the relationships we have with people, places, and things. This illuminating and rejuvenating energy is an energy we can carry with us as we enter the turbulent waters ahead. Venus, the planet of relationships and what we value, will now enter new depths in the sign of Scorpio. Any challenges that come up will reveal areas for focus and transformation. Venus will form an opposition with Uranus, the planet of upheaval, and square Saturn, the planet of limitations. Saturn loves the Libran energy of justice and fairness but once Venus entered the murky water of Scorpio, Saturn isn’t comfortable going deep, it needs some persuading first.
With Saturn coming out of its retrograde cycle, we can reflect on the limitations we’ve placed on ourselves unconsciously and what we have allowed to be in place for too long as a collective. Uranus is still in its retrograde cycle until January, but we will review the value system we uphold in our lives and how it is benefiting or depleting us on an emotional and psychological level.
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post from @animamundiherbals — Scorpio season tends to have a veil between the spiritual realm and physical very thin if it’s even there at all. For those naturally empathic, it’s important to equip yourself with tools to ground. This is a list of herbs you can use.
IG post from @paolaxhuli has a graphic of how our emotions affect the different organs in our bodies. Having emotional intelligence and awareness allows us to tune into our bodies and see what needs tending to
IG Post by @styledlikeu — “I don’t want to insult my body”. Acceptance of our aging bodies, our skin, and the deeper meanings and beauty of what it means to get older. The acceptance of the changes allows for true self-love and care.
IG post by @ddamascena — “Anger is a doorway, not a destination”.
IG post by @aniko.arts —has a beautiful print that says, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear” which I think is a great quote to meditate on as we enter this new beginning
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the _____ Deck and _____ Deck
Boriken Oracle Deck:
“We all have a Witch within us with magick that remains untapped. This card invites to connect with your personal magick on a deeper level. Use the power within you, in nature and through divination to assist you with harm to no one..”
Overall, this card is about taking back your power. You are a co-creator of your reality. Use the tools available to you to take necessary steps forward in the direction of your dreams. Scorpio is the energy of alchemy. Mixing together resources to create something useful. Venus had been “eclipsed” and is in a tough position placing us all in a space of needing to “choose your weapon” as you enter this next phase. Also, with Mars being the ruler of this lunation, it is asking us to take action, but be mindful of your focus.
Be sure to ask yourself of your intentions and what your drive really is. Is it from a place of lack or a place of inspiration?
“Communication is key, but not without comprehension. Listen to understand and digest the information instead of quickly responding. Additionally, this card comes as a reminder to fully understand a situation or person before proceeding“
This is definitely a nod to the trine between Mercury in Libra and Mars in Gemini. Mercury rules over the sign of Gemini. With Mars in Gemini, we may be feeling pressure to move and do but as Mars will move into its retrograde cycle, if we aren’t conscious of our actions, we may need to redo things during the almost 3 months it is retrograde. Plus, Mars will remain in Gemini until March so we will be having to going over certain topics two more times between now and then.
What’s the rush? Where are we rushing to? What’s the intended destination? If you aren’t sure, that’s fine. It’s a great time to observe and tie up loose ends in the meantime.
Mark this point as a milestone and celebrate your accomplishments thus far.
“The Spells Deck”:
What a pair! With Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos approaching next week, it is a beautiful time to honor our ancestors with an offering on our altar. It doesn’t have to be over the top, it can be as simple as a candle, flowers and a cup of water with a picture of your love ones who have passed. If you don’t have images, you can just set the intention that they receive the light and water and that they can help guide you. You can use the directions on these cards if they resonate with you, but there is more than one way to create an altar. Plus, I love the idea that our body is an altar. Take extra time to tend to your vessel and spirit so you can receive any guidance and messages coming your way.
With the “initiation” card, it matches the energy of Solar Eclipses— new beginnings and fresh starts, clean slates. The difference between a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse is that eclipse energy is said to be ushered in by divine intervention. It’s the wild card energy where tables can turn. I love the mention of a “rite of passage” as maybe you have experienced a rite of passage as you enter this new cycle. This energy will be present until the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th next year. Again, you can do the task on the card, but really just feel into what this card means for you. What are you feeling yourself being initiated into? It may not be obvious right now and that’s okay.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
Post new Moon Reflections:
Stay tuned for post-moon reflections during the first quarter moon in Aquarius!
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.