New Moon in Aquarius
Happy New Moon in Aquarius!
Today at 8:53PM EST we have the New Moon in Aquarius at 1°. We are needing to really pay attention to this portion of our charts because so much will be happening here over the next two months. We’ve all been waiting for a shift in the energy and we’ll finally have it but the key to innovation and adapting is to understand the tools at your disposal. The Full Moon in Cancer illuminated the need to know what resources you have and now you can begin to use them to their fullest potential if you have been proactive.
Below, I’m sharing the energy of this New Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. New Moons are about fresh starts, building momentum, and new perspectives for the next two weeks.
new moon energy
New Moon in Aquarius chart in EDT generated on
This New Moon is asking us to integrate what we’ve learned over the last three years (since Saturn has been in Aquarius) to create something unique that contributes to your vision, your future, and the collective future.
The Sun and Moon both met up with Pluto before coming together. This libation happens close to the degree that Saturn and Jupiter met up for the Great Conjunction in January 2020 (they met at 0° Aquarius). We all know how that conjunction went down. The difference is that now Pluto will soon be transiting into Aquarius for a few months this year to give us a peek at the powerful transformations we can expect. It won’t be fully into Aquarius until next year since on May 1st, it enters its retrograde cycle and re-enters Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. If you are a fixed sign or have fixed sign placements (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio), you’ll have some personal transformations happening plus, in wherever Aquarius lands in your chart.
Wondering how this lunation may affect you but not sure how to translate it by looking at your chart?
You can book a 30-min intro session with me to chat about your chart and get insight on how to utilize it in your journey! I have spots open for February.
Also, the Sun and Moon create a sextile to Jupiter in Aries which is a wonderful way to start to expand during this innovative and future-focused season.
Mars and Mercury are finally moving direct which means our communication and how we exert our energy can be done with more ease and clarity.
Mercury is getting ready to create a tense square with Chiron in Aries so take stock of what’s coming up. Mercury met up with Chiron on December 15th bringing up a similar conversation or theme that needs tending to.
Venus meets up in a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius which adds a somber tone to our relationships. Saturn can teach Venus a few things as it’s on its ways out of Aquarius after the last almost 3 years.
Here are a few posts I came across that really embody the energy of this lunar phase:
IG post by @thenapminestry always encouraging Black people to rest as an act of reparations & rebellion
IG post by @wealth featuring gorgeous images of Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion
IG post by @hellomissromeo sharing a super ergonomically designed chair to help people with ADHD stay focused but change postures
IG post by @nwerber with a message to my fellow Black Sheeps & cycle breakers ♥️
Check Our Past Moon Posts
Checking In With The Collective Energy
When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.
For this lunation, I decided to use the Sacred Destiny Deck and Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck
Sacred Destiny Deck:
“One of the most difficult things to know is what’s true for you and what isn’t. Sometimes it takes sincere silence to find your inner voice of truth, but once you find it, let go of anything in your life that isn’t authentic. Share your truth with others… Being genuine can allow your spirit to fly and the song of your soul to be heard in the Universe.”
“Even when things seem parched or not fruitful, a deeper energy speaks of the power of your inner knowing. Meditate. Trust the nudges from the Universe. You are now open to receive some of the most important messages of your life through your intuition. Your intuition is spot-on, so trust it. And even if there are some areas of your life that seem lackluster, know that other areas are being fertilized for a resplendent future.“
“You are ready to activate your potential and step into your strength. This is the time to activate those gifts that you've had on the back burner in your life. You have incredible, untapped potential. This is the time to allow it to flow. An inner wellspring of power is emerging.”
This combo further asks us to align with our truth. Don’t dim your light in hopes of fitting in. You will naturally find your people by being authentically you!
Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck:
I love this card associated with the sign of Aquarius. The energy of the sign is all about embracing your individuality and being a trendsetter or influencer. Being these things simply means doing things in a way that expresses your essence to its fullest and therefore you inspire and encourage others to do the same. You are the Creator of your reality and your sacred space. You determine the energy.
Moon journal prompts
Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).
What has become clear to you about your truth over the last 4 months?
In what ways are you being called to express this part of yourself?
What do you want to be known for? How can you embody more of that in your everyday life?
If money wasn’t an issue, what part of your life would you invest in right now? What kind of support are you seeking?
How can you deepen your connection to what you are currently creating? ie a business, a healthy relationship, an inner sanctuary, a stable family structure, a supportive routine, etc.
Take care,
Today at 2:20 PM EST we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries at 19°. This Solar Eclipse/ New Moon brings to close certain chapters and an opening of new chapters— whether we think we are ready or not. Given the events that have unfolded leading up to this Solar Eclipse, there can be drastic changes in direction resulting in a change in pace. Allow yourself to be moved and see how things unfold.